Source code for ACG.AyarDesignManager

import os
import importlib
from import read_yaml
from bag.layout.routing import RoutingGrid
from bag.layout.template import TemplateDB
# TB imports
from import load_sim_results, save_sim_results, load_sim_file

[docs]class AyarDesignManager: """ Class that oversees the creation of layouts, schematics, testbenches, and simulations. Overrides DesignMaster for more intuitive yaml file organization and handles the RoutingGrid in grid-free layouts """ def __init__(self, bprj, spec_file, gds_layermap=''): self.prj = bprj self.tdb = None # templateDB instance for layout creation self.impl_lib = None # Virtuoso library where generated cells are stored self.cell_name_list = None # list of names for each created cell self.specs = read_yaml(spec_file) # Initialize self.tdb with appropriate templateDB instance self.make_tdb(gds_layermap) """ GENERATION METHODS - call these methods to generate and simulate your designs """
[docs] def run_flow(self): """ Override and call this method to specify your design procedure when subclassing """ pass
[docs] def generate_layout(self, layout_params_list=None, cell_name_list=None): """ Generates a batch of layouts with the layout package/class in the spec file with parameters set by layout_params_list and names them according to cell_name_list. Each dict in the layout_params_list creates a new layout layout_params_list : :obj:'list' of :obj:'dict' list of parameter dicts to be applied to the specified layout class cell_name_list : :obj:'list' of :obj:'str' list of names to be applied to each implementation of the layout class """ # If no list is provided, extract parameters from the provided spec file if layout_params_list is None: if 'layout_params' in self.specs: layout_params_list = [self.specs['layout_params']] else: layout_params_list = [self.specs['dsn_params']] if cell_name_list is None: cell_name_list = [self.specs['impl_cell']] # Reformat provided lists if type(layout_params_list) is not list: layout_params_list = [layout_params_list] if type(cell_name_list) is not list: cell_name_list = [cell_name_list] print('Generating Layout') cls_package = self.specs['layout_package'] cls_name = self.specs['layout_class'] lay_module = importlib.import_module(cls_package) temp_cls = getattr(lay_module, cls_name) temp_list = [] for lay_params in layout_params_list: template = self.tdb.new_template(params=lay_params, temp_cls=temp_cls, debug=False) temp_list.append(template) self.tdb.batch_layout(self.prj, temp_list, cell_name_list)
[docs] def generate_schematic(self, sch_params_list=None, cell_name_list=None): """ Generates a batch of schematics specified by sch_params_list and names them according to cell_name_list. Each dict in the sch_params_list creates a new schematic Parameters ---------- sch_params_list : :obj:'list' of :obj:'dict' parameter dicts to be applied to the specified layout class cell_name_list : :obj:'list' of :obj:'str' list of names to be applied to each implementation of the layout class """ # If no list is provided, extract parameters from the provided spec file if sch_params_list is None: if 'sch_params' in self.specs: sch_params_list = [self.specs['sch_params']] else: sch_params_list = [self.specs['dsn_params']] if cell_name_list is None: cell_name_list = [self.specs['impl_cell']] if type(sch_params_list) is not list: sch_params_list = [sch_params_list] if type(cell_name_list) is not list: cell_name_list = [cell_name_list] print('Generating Schematic') sch_temp_lib = self.specs['sch_temp_lib'] sch_temp_cell = self.specs['sch_temp_cell'] impl_lib = self.specs['impl_lib'] inst_list, name_list = [], [] for sch_params, cur_name in zip(sch_params_list, cell_name_list): dsn = self.prj.create_design_module(sch_temp_lib, sch_temp_cell)**sch_params) inst_list.append(dsn) name_list.append(cur_name) self.prj.batch_schematic(impl_lib, inst_list, name_list=name_list)
[docs] def generate_tb(self, tb_params_list=None, tb_name_list=None): """ Generates a batch of testbenches specified by tb_params_list and names them according to tb_name_list. Each dict in tb_params_list creates a new set of tb's Parameters ---------- tb_params_list : :obj:'list' of :obj:'dict' list of parameter dicts to be applied to the testbench generator class tb_name_list : :obj:'list' of :obj:'str' list of names to be applied to each implementation of the tb class """ # If no info is provided, extract parameters from the provided spec file if tb_params_list is None or tb_name_list is None: tb_name_list = self.specs['tb_params'].keys() tb_params_list = self.specs['tb_params'].values() print('Generating Testbench') impl_lib = self.specs['impl_lib'] impl_cell = self.specs['impl_cell'] for info, name in zip(tb_params_list, tb_name_list): tb_lib = info['tb_lib'] tb_cell = info['tb_cell'] tb_sch_params = info['tb_sch_params'] # If dut lib/cell is provided, override the impl lib/cell if 'dut_lib' in info and 'dut_cell' in info: impl_lib = info['dut_lib'] impl_cell = info['dut_cell'] tb_dsn = self.prj.create_design_module(tb_lib, tb_cell), dut_cell=impl_cell, **tb_sch_params) tb_dsn.implement_design(impl_lib, top_cell_name=name)
[docs] def simulate(self): """ Runs a batch of simulations on the generated TB's. All parameters for simulation are set within the spec file """ print('Running Simulation') impl_lib = self.specs['impl_lib'] impl_cell = self.specs['impl_cell'] results_dict = {} for tb_impl_cell, info in self.specs['tb_params'].items(): tb_params = info['tb_sim_params'] view_name = info['view_name'] sim_envs = info['sim_envs'] data_dir = info['data_dir'] # setup testbench ADEXL state print('setting up %s' % tb_impl_cell) tb = self.prj.configure_testbench(impl_lib, tb_impl_cell) # set testbench parameters values for key, val in tb_params.items(): tb.set_parameter(key, val) # set config view, i.e. schematic vs extracted tb.set_simulation_view(impl_lib, impl_cell, view_name) # set process corners tb.set_simulation_environments(sim_envs) # commit changes to ADEXL state back to database tb.update_testbench() print('running simulation') tb.run_simulation() print('simulation done, load results') results = load_sim_results(tb.save_dir) save_sim_results(results, os.path.join(data_dir, '%s.hdf5' % tb_impl_cell)) results_dict[tb_impl_cell] = results print('all simulation done') return results_dict
[docs] def run_LVS(self, cell_name_list=None): """ Runs LVS on a batch of cells contained within the implementation library Parameters ---------- cell_name_list : :obj:'list' of :obj:'str' list of strings containing the names of the cells we should run LVS on """ if not cell_name_list: cell_name_list = [self.specs['impl_cell']] for cell_name in cell_name_list: print('Running LVS on {}'.format(cell_name)) lvs_passed, lvs_log = self.prj.run_lvs(self.impl_lib, cell_name) if lvs_passed: print('\n' + 'LVS Clean :)') else: print('\n' + 'LVS Incorrect :(') print('LVS log path: {}'.format(lvs_log))
[docs] def run_PEX(self, cell_name_list): """ Runs PEX on a batch of cells contained within the implementation library Parameters ---------- cell_name_list : :obj:'list' of :obj:'str' list of strings containing the names of the cells we should run PEX on """ for cell_name in cell_name_list: print('Running PEX on {}'.format(cell_name)) pex_passed, pex_log = self.prj.run_rcx(self.impl_lib, cell_name, create_schematic=True) if pex_passed: print('\n' + 'PEX Passed :)') else: print('\n' + 'PEX Failed :(') print('PEX log path: {}'.format(pex_log))
[docs] def load_sim_data(self): """ Returns simulation data for all TBs in spec file """ results_dict = {} for name, info in self.specs['tb_params'].items(): data_dir = info['data_dir'] fname = os.path.join(data_dir, '%s.hdf5' % name) print('loading simulation data for %s' % name) results_dict[name] = load_sim_file(fname) print('finish loading data') return results_dict
[docs] def import_schematic_library(self, lib_name): """ Imports a Cadence library containing schematic templates for use in BAG, this must be called if changes to the schematic were made since the last run Parameters ---------- lib_name : str string containing name of the library to be imported """ self.prj.import_design_library(lib_name)
""" HELPER METHODS - These should not need to be called by any subclass or external routine """
[docs] def make_tdb(self, layermap=''): """ Makes a new TemplateDB object. If no routing grid parameters are sent in, dummy parameters are used. """ self.impl_lib = self.specs['impl_lib'] if 'routing_grid' in self.specs: layers = self.specs['routing_grid']['layers'] spaces = self.specs['routing_grid']['spaces'] widths = self.specs['routing_grid']['widths'] bot_dir = self.specs['routing_grid']['bot_dir'] else: # Use dummy routing grid settings layers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] spaces = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2] widths = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2] bot_dir = 'y' routing_grid = RoutingGrid(self.prj.tech_info, layers, spaces, widths, bot_dir) self.tdb = TemplateDB('template_libs.def', routing_grid, self.impl_lib, use_cybagoa=True, name_prefix=self.specs.get('name_prefix', ''), name_suffix=self.specs.get('name_suffix', ''), prj=self.prj, gds_lay_file=layermap)