Source code for ACG.XY

import numbers
import numpy as np
# ACG imports
from ACG.VirtualObj import VirtualObj
from ACG.PrimitiveUtil import Mt

[docs]class XY(VirtualObj): """ Primitive class to describe a single coordinate on xy plane and various associated utility functions Keeps all coordinates on the grid """ def __init__(self, xy, res=.001 # type: float ): VirtualObj.__init__(self) # Set the resolution of the grid self._res = res # Create the internal x and y variable names self._x = None self._y = None # Perform input conditioning before storing data if isinstance(xy, XY): # Immediately copy the coordinates self.xy = xy elif len(xy) != 2: # If the provided value does not have 1 number for x and 1 for y raise ValueError('{}:{} does not have length 2'.format(type(xy), xy)) elif all([isinstance(xy[0], numbers.Real), isinstance(xy[1], numbers.Real)]): # If the provided values contain real numbers, store them in xy self.xy = xy else: raise TypeError('{} type does not represent a valid xy coordinate description'.format(type(xy))) """ Magic methods """ def __repr__(self): return 'XY([{}, {}])'.format(self.x, self.y) def __str__(self): return '[{}, {}]'.format(self.x, self.y) def __len__(self): return 2 def __getitem__(self, item): """ Treat the xy coordinate as either an indexed array or dictionary when getting values""" if item == 0: return self.x elif item == 1: return self.y elif item == 'x': return self.x elif item == 'y': return self.y else: raise ValueError('{} is an invalid coordinate index'.format(item)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Treat the xy coordinate as either an indexed array or dictionary when setting values""" if key == 0: self.x = value elif key == 1: self.y = value elif key == 'x': self.x = value elif key == 'y': self.y = value else: raise ValueError('{} is an invalid coordinate index'.format(key)) def __add__(self, other): """ Treats coordinates as vectors, performs vector addition """ other_temp = XY(other) temp_x = self.x + other_temp.x temp_y = self.y + other_temp.y return XY([temp_x, temp_y]) def __radd__(self, other): """ Just flip the order and add """ return self.__add__(other) def __mul__(self, other): """ Performs element-wise product. If a scalar is given, scales coordinate vector """ if isinstance(other, numbers.Real): return XY([self.x * other, self.y * other]) else: temp = XY(other) return XY([self.x * temp.x, self.y * temp.y]) def __rmul__(self, other): """ Just flip the order and multiply """ return self.__mul__(other) def __sub__(self, other): """ Treats coordinates as vectors, performs subtraction """ temp = XY(other) return self + (temp*-1) def __rsub__(self, other): """ Just flip the order and subtract """ return -1*(self.__sub__(XY(other))) """ Getters and Setters """ @property def x(self): return round(self._x * self._res, 3) @x.setter def x(self, value): temp = round(value / self._res) # Find location of provided coordinate on grid self._x = int(temp) # Force the coordinate to be an int @property def y(self): return round(self._y * self._res, 3) @y.setter def y(self, value): temp = round(value / self._res) # Find location of provided coordinate on grid self._y = int(temp) # Force the coordinate to be an int @property def xy(self): return [self.x, self.y] @xy.setter def xy(self, xy): self.x = xy[0] self.y = xy[1] """ Utility Functions """
[docs] def export_locations(self): """ For now just returns a dict of the coordinates """ return { 'x': [self.x], 'y': [self.y] }
[docs] def shift_origin(self, origin=(0, 0), orient='R0'): transform = Mt(orient) # Convert the rotation string to a matrix transformation # Apply the transformation to the coordinate new_xy = np.transpose(np.matmul(transform, np.transpose(np.asarray(self.xy)))) # Convert to XY coordinates and return shifted coordinate return XY(new_xy) + XY(origin)
def __lt__(self, other): """Used to sort XY in min heap""" return self.x < other.x